NWEA Information

Each teacher has a unique login to access information about current students. See administration or tech support in your school for your login information. Log in here: http://reports.nwea.org

Online Reports Available for Teachers (after log in)

  • Teacher Reports - a list of your students' test events for the selected term.
  • Class Rosters - a list of the roster for each of your classes for a selected term. Student Progress reports are accessible from the Class Roster reports.
    From the class roster, you can also access Student Progress Reports - a historical view of your students' test events. To access these reports, display the Class Roster report for your class and follow the directions at the top of the page.
  • Class by Subject - a list of test events for your classes for a selected term and subject. This report can be optionally grouped by ethnicity or gender.
  • Grade by Subject - a list of test events for a selected grade within a school for a selected term and subject. This report can be optionally grouped by ethnicity or gender.

Students Not Tested - a list of students who have not tested or have no reportable test event in the selected measurement scale for the selected term.

Please also see the attached file below, the Achievement Status & Growth Calculator. This is an interactive spreadsheet that will help you see some of the statistics included in the NWEA system to gain a better understanding of your students' growth over time.

Links to additional information:

NWEA reports information index


Understanding Teacher Reports


Guide to Using Dynamic Reports


2011 Normative Data Overview


2011 Normative Data Details
